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Help Your Employees: Fiscally, Physically, and Emotionally

Security Benefit is taking a new approach to retirement with the new My Security Benefit mobile app available to participants with a Security Benefit retirement account. We want to give you and your employees a way to save money and get fit. Studies show that financially stressed employees are less productive and financial stress is interrelated to health issues. Both financial and health issues lead to low productivity which costs employers an estimated $500 billion per year.1

12020 Employee Financial Wellness Report Finds Employees Nearing Retirement Age and Younger Millennials are Struggling Most.

To access app and content features you must have a Security Benefit retirement plan account. Security Financial Resources, Inc. serves as the record keeper for such accounts, and is a subsidiary of Security Benefit Corporation (Security Benefit).

Browser Tips:

For best results, use Internet Explorer version 10 or higher, or recent versions of Safari, Chrome or Firefox. Older versions will not support all available features and you may be unable to access some screens.